How do I evaluate my skin?

How do I evaluate my skin

Are you having a hard time choosing the perfect skincare for you? Maybe you haven’t evaluated your skin yet. All skin types can have an advantage from cleansing and moisturizing, but different skin types have different needs. How can you tell what skin you have? 

At Rejuvenate Wellness and MedSpa, we’ll help you understand why your skin type is the first step in caring for it. Learn how to evaluate your skin and identify what skincare goes best for you. Continue reading here! 

Caring for your skin

Understanding your skin type and how it responds to situations is the most crucial step in caring for your skin. Your skin is the intellectual organ in your body, just like your heart, lungs, liver, and other essential organs. 

Even if they are indicated for excessive oiliness, using abrasive cleansers and treatments may message your skin that more oil is required. Applying moisturizers that are overly thick or heavy, on the other hand, might cause a reduction in natural oil production, resulting in even drier skin. Learning about your skin’s demands can help you select the best solutions for balancing skin and achieving a healthier, more radiant appearance.

Although everyone’s skin is different, a few common skin types can help you figure out where yours belongs. Oily, Combination, and Dry skin types are the three most common skin types. Let’s break down more about these skin types below. 

Skin Types

Oily skin produces excessive sebum, making the skin appear glossy and oily, especially in the T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin). If you have oily skin, you have enlarged pores, acne spots, and outbreaks.

Dry skin has a dull appearance and can become rough, scaly, or flaky. It tends to feel tight or less elastic, and it can display more precise lines. It could also become uncomfortable or irritating.

Normal skin is well-balanced, not too dry or too oily. It doesn’t cause breakouts, flakiness, or a greasy or tight feeling. Pores usually are tiny, the skin has a smooth texture, and it is less prone to irritation and blemishes.

Other Skin Type Characteristics

Combination skin has dry and oily parts, with the T-Zone being the oiliest and the cheeks being either dry or normal.

Sensitive skin refers to oily, dry, or normal skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may feel a burning or itching sensation regardless of your skin type. 

These symptoms could be linked to having skin that is more sensitive to external irritants. They could be caused by certain chemicals, such as dyes or fragrances, and environmental variables. 

Sensitive skin may let you figure out what causes it and avoid products that contain those chemicals, or you may be able to change your environment to decrease your exposure to triggering agents.

If the descriptions of the different skin kinds didn’t help you decide, there are tests you can do at home to figure out what type of skin you have. Here are two processes that you can try: 

The Blotting Sheets

Blotting sheets absorb oil and move against the skin. You can use it to know what type of skin you have. After washing your face with a cleanser, patting it dry, rest for 30 minutes. 

Then, apply blotting sheets to regions of your face and hold them up to the light to see the oil marks. You have oily skin if you see oil in all areas of your face; dry skin if they absorb little to no oil; combo skin if the sheets indicate only a tiny amount of oil from your T-Zone; and normal skin if you do the sheets have less oil on your face.

Any skin can be sensitive to acne outbreaks regardless of its type. However, those with normal skin are less likely to suffer either. You may care for your skin while having sensitivity or acne breakouts with the appropriate and best products.

Watch & Wait

This at-home test lets you know your skin by watching how it reacts after cleansing. First, clean your face with a cleanser and pat it gently. 

If your skin feels tight and is flaky or scaly after 30 minutes, you have oily skin; if it feels familiar and is flaky or scaly, you have dry skin; if the T-zone shines, you have a combination skin type; and if your skin feels hydrated and comfortable but not oily, you have normal skin.


Are you still confused about what skincare to follow? ZO® offers a holistic approach to producing and maintaining healthy skin, regardless of age, ethnicity, skin type, or particular skin problem. 

From repairing sun damage and pigmentation to preventing future damage, ZO® has all of your skincare needs covered. At Rejuvenate Wellness and MedSpa, we offer Medical-grade skincare products that deliver perfect results. They use proven formulas, which are fundamental for establishing efficacy.

Creams, serums, pads, and carefully tailored formulae for generating and preserving healthy skin are all part of the ZO® collection.

The Basics of Skincare

Knowing your skin type is not the end of the process. There are basic routines and rules that you must follow to attain your ideal skin type. These suggestions will keep your skin looking great, no matter what kind.

  1. Use a sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation.
  2. Wear a hat or sunglasses.
  3. Please don’t smoke.
  4. Keep yourself hydrated.
  5. Wash your face gently but thoroughly, and never wear makeup to bed every day.
  6. Moisturize.

Acne outbreaks can occur regardless of the type of skin you have. Still, individuals with normal skin are less likely to suffer from either. Skin sensitivity and acne scarring don’t have to be mutually exclusive when using the right products. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact and book an appointment with us. 

Our doctors here at Rejuvenate Wellness and MedSpa are ready to assist you with your concerns. Rejuvenate your skin with our help today!