
FormaV in Jackson, TN


FormaV in Jackson, TN


Rejuvenate Wellness and Med Spa in Jackson, TN, offers FormaV, an advanced non-invasive treatment. FormaV utilizes advanced radiofrequency technology to rejuvenate and tighten intimate areas, addressing concerns such as vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, and vaginal dryness. This innovative procedure works by gently heating the tissues, stimulating collagen production, and improving blood circulation, resulting in improved tone, elasticity, and overall vaginal health. FormaV is suitable for women seeking to enhance their intimate wellness and regain confidence in their bodies.

Ready to rejuvenate your intimate wellness? Book your FormaV appointment at Rejuvenate Wellness and Med Spa today.



Morpheus8 is an advanced fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production in the dermal layers. It combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology to remodel and contour the face and body. This procedure is effective in reducing wrinkles, acne scars, and sagging skin, providing a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.



Votiva is a cutting-edge treatment specifically designed for feminine health. Utilizing gentle heating and radiofrequency, Votiva addresses vaginal laxity, dryness, and incontinence. This treatment is non-invasive, offering a comfortable solution for women looking to improve their intimate well-being and quality of life.



Forma is a non-invasive treatment for the skin that uses radiofrequency technology to provide deep-layer skin tightening. It’s ideal for smoothing and refining the skin’s texture, effectively reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Forma is suitable for all skin types and is commonly used on the face, neck, and other areas requiring rejuvenation.

Benefits of FormaV:



FormaV is suitable for women experiencing vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, or vaginal dryness due to aging, childbirth, or hormonal changes.

Results from FormaV are typically noticeable after the first few sessions, with optimal results achieved over a series of treatments.

Results from FormaV can last up to a year or more with proper maintenance and follow-up treatments as recommended.

FormaV is a non-invasive procedure with minimal downtime. Any potential side effects, such as mild redness or swelling, are usually temporary and resolve quickly.

Before treatment, it is recommended to avoid using any harsh products in the treatment area. After treatment, patients can resume their normal activities with no special precautions necessary.

During a FormaV treatment session, you can expect a comfortable experience as the device gently heats the tissues to stimulate collagen production and improve vaginal health. The procedure is quick and typically well-tolerated by patients.

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