What is the most common treatment for allergies?

What is the most common treatment for allergies?

Sneezing out of nowhere? Have teary eyes and itchiness around your nose? Perhaps, you may be experiencing some allergies. Allergies are how your body reacts to something it thinks is harmful and tries to get rid of.

Some allergies may be manageable, but most of the time, they can be annoying and ruin your efficiency. If you’re experiencing allergies and still haven’t got any treatment for them, we’ve got recommendations. Continue reading this post to learn more about the possible treatment for your allergies! 

What are allergies? 

Again, allergies are the body’s response to an “invader” it perceives as dangerous. Ordinarily harmless substances, such as pollen, may stimulate the immune system (the body’s defensive mechanism) to react. Allergens are substances that induce these reactions. 

What is a hypersensitivity reaction?

Hypersensitivity or an “allergic reaction” describes the body’s response to an allergen. There is a sequence of events that leads to an allergic reaction.

The first time an allergy-prone individual is exposed to a specific allergen (such as pollen), the body produces allergic (IgE) antibodies. These are responsible for identifying allergens and removing them from the body. As a result, a molecule known as histamine is released, producing allergy symptoms.

Types of Allergies & How To Treat Them

Pollen, animal dander, dust mites, and molds are examples of allergens to which you may be allergic. But what could be the possible treatment for each? Let’s take an overview of these symptoms. 


Hay fever, or seasonal allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to pollen. It causes inflammation and edema of the nasal lining and the eye’s protective tissues (conjunctiva). The symptoms are sneezing, congestion (feeling stuffed up), and itchy, watery eyes, nose, and mouth. 

Antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, nasal steroids, nasal antihistamines, and nasal cromolyn are available both over-the-counter and with a doctor’s prescription. Pollen exposure can trigger asthma symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and/or chest tightness) in some individuals.


Food allergies develop when the body produces a specific antibody toward particular food. An allergic reaction starts within minutes of ingesting the allergenic food, and the symptoms might be severe. 

Adults’ most frequent food allergies are shellfish, peanuts, and tree nuts. Food allergy symptoms include itching, rashes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and swelling around the mouth. It is crucial to avoid eating items that induce allergic reactions.

If you (or your child) have a food allergy, your doctor may advise that you always carry injectable epinephrine (adrenaline). This is necessary in case you mistakenly consume allergenic foods. Oral immunotherapy is a new form of treatment for peanut allergies.


Molds are microscopic fungi (such as Penicillium) whose spores float through the air like pollen. Mold is a common allergen trigger. Mold can also be found outside in the grass, leaf piles, hay, mulch, and under mushrooms. 

Mold spores are at their greatest amid hot and humid conditions. Medication may be used to alleviate nasal/ocular and chest problems. Immunotherapy may be considered if avoidance and remedy are insufficient to treat your symptoms.

Lessen your symptoms by avoiding pollen. Stay indoors, close your windows, and use air conditioning when pollen levels are high. Ask your doctor about immunotherapy (allergy injections) to treat your pollen allergy.

Dust mites

Dust mites are microscopic organisms that inhabit dust and the fibers of pillows, mattresses, carpets, and upholstery. Dust mites thrive in warm, humid environments. Dust mite allergy symptoms are comparable to pollen allergy symptoms. 

Try applying dust mite encasements (airtight plastic/polyurethane covers) over pillows, mattresses, and box springs to manage dust mite allergies. Additionally, remove carpeting or vacuum frequently with a high-efficiency filter vacuum. 

Medication may be used to alleviate nasal/ocular and chest problems. Immunotherapy may be indicated if avoidance measures and drugs cannot treat your symptoms.

Animal Dander

The proteins extracted by sweat glands in an animal’s skin are shed as dander, and the proteins in an animal’s saliva can trigger allergic reactions. Avoidance techniques are less effective than removing the pet from the home. 

Due to the reluctance of many individuals to do so, second-best precautions include:

  • Keep your pet out of your bedroom.
  • Utilizing air cleaners with HEPA filtration.
  • Often cleaning your pet (cat or dog).

Medication may be used to alleviate nasal/ocular and chest problems. Immunotherapy may be indicated if avoidance measures and drugs cannot treat your symptoms.


Some individuals acquire a latex allergy after repeated exposure to latex. Rubber gloves, such as those used in surgery or for household cleaning, are a leading cause of this reaction. If you are allergic to latex, you may experience a skin rash, hives, eye irritation and tears, wheezing, and itchy skin.

Mild allergic reactions to latex may include redness and itching of the skin. Suppose your mucosal membranes are exposed during surgery or a dental or gynecologic exam. In that case, you may experience more severe reactions.

Allergy Management

Although allergies cannot be cured, their symptoms can be managed with avoidance, medicine, and allergy management as needed.

Our allergy management program at Rejuvenate Wellness and MedSpa may benefit seasonal allergy sufferers. We will assess your medical history and do an ENT examination at the initial appointment. If necessary, a sinus cocktail injection (steroid plus Benadryl) might be administered every three to four months. $99

Sinus cocktails can cost you $25 per visit after that. The allergy management system will help you get over your allergies. Our doctors are ready to be with you and work with whatever goals you may want to achieve. Take a visit and tour our clinic, and let’s get your allergy lessened! 


There is no cure for allergies, but symptoms can be managed using a mix of avoidance strategies, medicines, and allergen immunotherapy in appropriately selected instances. Never be afraid to visit a doctor to help you with your medications. 

It’s still better to work out things before it gets worse. Don’t let your allergies ruin any moment and efficiency you have in life! Get help from our doctors at Rejuvenate Wellness and MedSpa